Month: December 2016

A Post-Election List

A list (not exhaustive, but a list all the same) of Things That Hillary Clinton Voters are Expected to Accept This Election Cycle:

  1.  Instead of our First Woman President, we’re expected to accept yet another white man.
  2. That white man is basically feminists’ worst nightmare.
  3. We are expected to accept the results of an election in which our candidate won the popular vote by a huge margin, but lost the Electoral College vote. Again. See Election 2000.
  4. We are expected to accept the results of an election which was possibly affected by a pointless communication from the Director of the FBI, who broke tradition by getting involved in electoral politics very close to Election Day. Why does that guy still have a job again?
  5. We are expected to accept the results of an election that our Intelligence agencies believe was affected by hacking from a foreign government, oh yes, that would be Russia. Isn’t this a problem that should stop this whole process in its tracks???

I don’t know, that seems like kind of a lot to me.

Love you & leave you,

Hobbie DeHoy